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Contact Name*
Facility or Proprietor Name*
Marina Name if not the same
E-mail or User Name*
Address 1*
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Body of Water* Help!
Reservation E-mail This is the E-mail address were you want your tentative reservations alerts sent to. You may have multiple alerts sent to multiple E-mail address once you assign additional users on your account. *
Tax Rate* %
Multiple Locations   If your facility has multiple locations you must enroll each individual location as a separate facility with its own user name and password. You may keep the Contact name and Business name the same, but user name and password must be unique
Do you offer accomodations?
Do you offer captain or guide?
Business Hours: Open*  Example. 09:30 am
Closed*  Example. 05:00 pm
Facility Cancellation Policy
Facility Area + Atractions  This is where you can explain the benefits of your area. For example, if your facility has a bait and tackle store or ship store you can include it here. Also, if there are any restaurants, parks, beaches, or other local attractions that would interest a customer you can list them or include a short explanation.
Facility Directions
* Required fields
I accept the Terms and Conditions and agree with them.