OUR KEY LARGO 21’ COMES WITH: ·150 HP Outboard ·Stainless Steel Deep Dive Ladder ·8' Bimini Top for extra shade ·VHF Ship to Shore Radio ·Live Baitwell ·Rod Holders ·Fish Finder ·65 Gallon Gas Tank “Wide and Stable – An Excellent Fishing or Snorkel Boat”
Boat Name: 21'
Location: key largo, Florida, United States
Body of Water:
Make: Key Largo
Model: Center Console
Length: 21' Feet
Passengers: 6
Captain or Guide available for hire: No
Requirements: Reservations require a $100.00 payment on account by check, for daily rentals or 50% of total rental amount for discounted multi day rentals. This is refundable due to Hurricane , Named storm or medical emergency. BOAT RENTAL CREDIT WILL BE TRANSFERABLE TO ANOTHER DATE FOR OTHER REASONS.NO SHOW, NO CALL (FORFIT DEPOSITS and any payments made.) **A SECURITY DEPOSIT IS REQUIRED BY CASH OR TRAVELERS CHECK IN THE AMOUNT OF $300.00 FOR BOATS TO 22’ $500.00 FOR 23’ DUSKY or 26’ CAT $1,000.00 FOR T-CRAFT
Marina Name:
Cancellation Policy:
Tax Rates: %